There are two "C" words I think are pretty crucial in our language and our understanding of life.
The first one is
I don't deal with change very well.
I like when things are set, orderly and going the way I like them.
I think the biggest changes in life right now are coming from the workplace.
I know that sounds weird, but bear with me.
The people that I work with are like my family.
We're all very close, and we care for and love each other very much.
But there's a pretty high turnover rate as well.
Which means people are flip-flopping jobs and leaving at a pretty steady pace.
One of my dear friends just got another job in the department, so she's not leaving per say, but she won't be right up front with me anymore and she'll be a whole lot more busy than she is now. Needless to say, I'm having a hard time adjusting to that and accepting that thought.
She's a pretty solid rock in my life, and I'm acting like she's leaving and never coming back.
Stupid, I know.
But I think the root is somewhere deeper.
The second "c" word I'm talking about is
I feel like I'm losing control.
Not that I ever had control to begin with.
We all struggle with wanting control over certain aspects of our lives, and more often than not, our whole lives.
The reality is simple.
We don't have control.
I don't have control.
We can't get a grasp on that.
We don't want to face that reality, and we sure as heck don't want to put our trust in something we can't see. I know I don't.
It's something that society has ingrained in our minds, something that's taught to us throughout our lives.
Why trust someone else when you can do it yourself?
I've been learning lately, that we're asking the wrong question.
We should be asking, " Why
not trust someone else?"
Because we can't trust ourselves.
We have a hard time grasping that concept, and I am certainly guilty of disregarding the latter question.
And the most important thing to remember when we're struggling for control is that you're not the one in charge. It's not your plan, so you need not worry.
I'm not saying you sit back and do nothing about your situations.
You have to take a role in it too.
Everything is set up for you, waiting for you to reach out and take it.
You just have to jump in and do your part.
Don't be afraid of the "c" words.
They can be both a beautiful and a scary thing.
It just depends on how you approach them.
It's not easy, and it's not always fun.
But it's worth it.
Do what it takes to remind yourself.
I have a constant reminder for myself.
Tattooed on my foot is the verse Jeremiah 29:11.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans not to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
And what grand plans they are.
Love always,