Tuesday, October 28, 2008

To get started...

My name is Suzzanna Lute! I'm 16 and I live in American Falls, Idaho (otherwise known as the town with nothing to do!) I love to play volleyball, basketball and throw shot put and discus for track. In fact, last year I went to state in shot put. Good times huh Brittany! I also love to listen to, play and write music. I play four instruments including the flute, guitar, piano and trumpet. I also really like whitewater rafting. I have two cats. One of them I swear to God is half dog. And the other is a grump all the time. I also have two tank fulls full of fish. I have amazing friends that can always make me laugh! They've stayed with me through thick and thin and I love them for that! That's pretty much my life and there isn't much to it, but I love it anyway!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

It looks like your cat is staring at me! But he is super cute!