There has been a lot of drama lately. I'm sure most of you know about our teacher fiasco. Naturally, I have mixed feelings about the whole deal. I decided that I wasn't taking sides, because neither person was right. But as I think more and more about it, I've begun to take a side. No matter how hard I think about it, that's just what I think is right. I've shed so many tears over the past week, I'm sure I could've watered the Garden of Eden. Life throws us so many curveballs, that we just have to practice hitting them out of the park.
Who knew my senior year would be so emotional? It's just been a roller coaster. Up and down, and all around. Loop de loop and "Holy crap, I think I might throw up." Basketball season is coming to a close, and I don't think I've ever been more ready for something to be done with. I feel like my life is in fast forward. Or maybe it's just that I have too much on my plate. Do I? I try to keep busy, but it seems like I'm too busy at times. Maybe it's just that I'm a senior. And I feel like that if I sit on my butt, I'll be missing out on something. One way or the other, I need some serious organization tips.
College is also at the top of my list. Deciding where to go, will by far be the hardest decision I'll have to make. I'm so afraid, that once again, if I go too far away from home, I'll miss out on everything. But then again, I don't want to be too close, because I'm in need of a little scenic change. What can I do, but look at what's best for me, and what school will be FINANCIALLY best for me?
I'll end with this. I've decided that I need to blog more. It's a much better solution then punching someone in the face.
With love,
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