Friday, March 11, 2011

Oh goodbye sailor's mouth...

Tis' the season... of Lent.
It comes and goes every year, and it seems that people always give up the same things. Pop, candy, TV...
So this year, I decided to switch it up. Since being at college, I've developed sort of a potty mouth. So I made the decision to give up swearing. Or at least cut back on it. I have a stash of rubber bands, and will always wear one around my wrist so that if I catch myself swearing, I can give it a quick *snap* and be reminded.

Ingenious right?
Wrong. Ish.

We were showed a little video at Village, where the wonderful Drew Worsham said, that we shouldn't be giving up the sins (swearing), but instead should be giving up the good things in our lives (pop, candy, TV).

Well crap.
Where does that leave me now?

As I pondered this concept, I realized that even though swearing was a sin, that I was going to continue with my original plan. Because the more I think about it, the more I realize how unprofessional swearing is, and how bad it makes me look.

Plus, if I'm going to try to live a life like Jesus...
I'm pretty sure he didn't EVER drop the F bomb.

So what did I actually give up for Lent?


1 comment:

BRiTTaNY said...

Although I'm thrilled you tried giving up swearing & pop for lent, I just have to point out one little thing - "Since being at college, I've developed sort of a potty mouth" is fully a false statement lol. I'm just sayin :) And most people in our HS graduating class can attest to it. But I do wish you luck in overcoming it :) & pop too!