Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Listen, Be Still

I've always thought that I'm a good listener.

That is, until recently.

I love sitting down with people and hearing about their lives, letting them vent to me about their problems, maybe giving a little advice here and there.
So that is clearly not the problem.

The real problem, is I listen to everyone around me, and I don't listen to the one person who matters.

Yes, you all know who I'm talking about.

Sometimes it's hard to want to listen to the one and only person who really knows what you're doing with your life. The one who knows what's best, who can comfort you and tell you exactly what to do in any given situation.
Because we're stubborn.
I'M stubborn.
We all think we know what's best.
We stick with our "gut feelings" and believe me, that "feeling" has gotten me into trouble one too many times.

We think that the voice that whispers those "great" ideas into our minds is always right, when most of the time it's our own voice trying to justify our stupid decisions.

It wasn't until about a week ago that I realized how horrible I ACTUALLY am at listening.
With a new relationship being a possibility in my life, school, work and everything else I had going on, I had to shut the crazy out and let the quiet in.
And that's not an easy thing for me to do, because I like the busy.
I like the noise, the people, the whatever-I-can-do-so-I-don't-have-any-quite/down-time.

And you know what?
Sitting down and asking the big and confusing questions that I have for my life was probably the most satisfying and rewarding thing I've done in a long time, because I got some answers.

There weren't particularly answers I wanted to hear.

God told me to slow the heck down.

I've been speeding down my path, not stopping to look at street signs, not even glancing at the people that I'm passing by. And it only took me a moment to realize that I've been going too fast. I don't need any more tickets in this lifetime.

So I slowed down. I listened. 
And I've been listening to Him more and more since then.

"Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14

Wise words from the wisest of all.

Today, listen.
Because let's face it: none of us know what we're doing, where we're going, or why we're going there. So we might as well slow the heck down.

Love always,

1 comment:

Finding God said...

Suzz that was so awesome! that was like what i've been going through summed up in that blog (: I'm so happy that I know you and get to see these words! <3
I hope you are still able to listen even when it starts getting tougher in life (: