As my dad always says, "Nobody out West knows how to show up on time. They're always late for everything." This explains why I haven't blogged in so long...
College is no walk in the park.
But it is a life changing experience...
I can honestly say there are 2 things that have grown during my time as a Vandal.
1. Friend Count: So. Many. People. Amazing people. Who knew they would all change my life? Simply from the girls in my hall, to the people at Resonate. I'm almost at a loss for words. It's like I've been adopted. Except for all the messy paperwork.
-(Not only has my real life friend count grown, but my friend list on Facebook
has gotten quite larger as well. Which leads me to number 2...)
2. Amount of time spent on Facebook: I never would've guessed that I, of all people, would become a Facebook addict. But alas, it's happened. I'm actually really good at finding my way online when I'm supposed to be doing homework. Like now for example. No wonder I fail chemistry tests... Damn social networks. It really makes me wonder, should I be devoting my time to something more meaningful?
The obvious answer is yes. But this is one of those things where my heart and my head don't totally agree. It shouldn't even be that hard of a decision. But it is. Faith wise, I'm a complete mess right now. I can smile on the outside, but that doesn't mean everything on the inside is ok. I'm struggling to find exactly what I believe. Because I've been thrown in some situations where it feels like the right thing to do is curl up in a ball and cry, when I should be turning to God instead. Today for example was a day I told myself, "Jesus did not have today covered." I'm having a hard time believing that he's rooting for me, because all I'm doing is striking out.
But I'm trying. Trying to live a life like Jesus. I think.
Love always,
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