Friday, October 8, 2010

Unconditional something or other...

I'm blown away at the fact that no matter how many times I screw up, or make a fool of myself, I still have friends. You'd think by now, I'd be a total loner. For some odd reason, people still continue to like me. (Either that or they're just really good at faking it.)

I'm a little confused as to what makes my friends this way. What's it called? Unconditional love? Yea, that's it. Christ works their hearts in the most amazing ways... All I ask is that he works my heart the same way.

Speaking of Christ...
I made a puzzle piece bracelet at Resonate last week, and I'm supposed to wear it until I know where I "fit in" in God's big plan. I have a feeling I'm going to be wearing that bracelet for a long time...

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