Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Today is Halloween! Yay! I'm hopefully going to go the tailgate party before the game. Then I'm gonna go to the football game for a little while tonight! It's the first game in the state playoff. Then maybe I'll go trick-er-treating! You're never too old to go trick-er-treating! Not sure what I'm going to dress up as yet though. I'm going to the dance tomorrow and possibly dressing up as either a cowgirl or an indian. Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

School is...

Crazy. I'm driving myself up the wall with all my homework. It's like the teachers want us to go so insane that we barricade ourselves in the corner, refusing to talk to anyone. I can't seem to find a method behind their madness. I've heard a lot lately, "It's a college calss so you're expected to work harder." I understand that, but you're still a high school teacher and you need to start acting that way. I need a break. A nice long weekend would be great right about now. But do we get that? Of course not! But the little turds at the other schools get the next two days off, for God knows what. Ugh. Crazy.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

To get started...

My name is Suzzanna Lute! I'm 16 and I live in American Falls, Idaho (otherwise known as the town with nothing to do!) I love to play volleyball, basketball and throw shot put and discus for track. In fact, last year I went to state in shot put. Good times huh Brittany! I also love to listen to, play and write music. I play four instruments including the flute, guitar, piano and trumpet. I also really like whitewater rafting. I have two cats. One of them I swear to God is half dog. And the other is a grump all the time. I also have two tank fulls full of fish. I have amazing friends that can always make me laugh! They've stayed with me through thick and thin and I love them for that! That's pretty much my life and there isn't much to it, but I love it anyway!