Thursday, February 14, 2013

On Valentine's Day

Once again, it's the day where everybody gives absurd amounts of flowers, chocolates and teddy bears.
Hallmark shoves mushy gushy cards down our throats and couples wave their oh so perfect relationships in our faces.

Do I sound bitter?

In all reality, I don't hate Valentine's Day.
It's just not my most favorite holiday out there.
I much prefer Easter or the 4th of July.
Cute little bunnies, chocolate eggs, explosives and 'MERICA. Who doesn't love that?

And I'm sure there are lots of people who feel the same way.
We just don't hear things from them.

All I ever seem to get is...
"OMG I love this day! I'm so in love. I love my man so much. LOVE LOVE LOVE."
That's all fine and dandy, but shut up.
Ok, I'm done being mean now.

My views on Valentine's Day stem from somewhere else.

My parents never really celebrate the day, and it always seems like cards from one to the other are usually obligatory and not super heart felt. That never gave me a very positive look on things.

I've also never had a real Valentine.
And all the cutesy cards and candy you got when you were in elementary school doesn't count.
I thought I was going to have a Valentine this year, but that fell through.
So here I am!
Join me in my singledom.

Lastly, I don't think Valentine's Day was ever meant to be specifically for couples.
It's a celebration of love, whether that be for a couple, from parent to child or from friend to friend.
Unfortunately, that's gotten all messed up and the focus does in fact get put on couples.
So there's that.

I suppose I'll be done ranting about VD now.

I'll leave you with something positive...

I had a friend post today about how you should love even if you don't have a Valentine on Valentine's Day.
Someone else said you should show those you love love every day, not just on one specific day of the year (which is true).

There's a whole lot of hate in this world, and we hardly ever see or hear about acts of love and kindness.
So I challenge you on this holiday to show a little love.
Extend a helping hand, give someone random a Valentine, do whatever it is that you need to do to let people know you care.

It's a day of love, let's celebrate.

Love always,

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